Sunday 12 August 2012

Another Camping Trip and Decorating!

This past week we went out camping for a few days at Bamberton.  A provincial park not far from where we live.  It was idyllic of course.  The campground is in a forest just uphill from a very nice beach.  It's a great place for walking and relaxing.
I've come to the conclusion that there are good vibes in campgrounds.  Maybe it's that most of us there are "like minded."  And I think that campers have a good (maybe better than normal) outlook on life.  Nebulous, I know, but food for thought.
And of special note is how well behaved everyone is at these provincial campgrounds.  Virtually no noise except for maybe kids playing during the day--which is actually kind of pleasant when you think about it.


Now, MWP and I have a little project going on.  While we love (did I say LOVE?) our trailer we thought that the interior was just a bit bland.  Especially if we plan to take it on a long trip and spend months in it.
So... We decided to do curtains, a new duvet cover, table cloth, flooring and new handles for the cupboards.
It took a lot of time to find just the right fabric for the curtains and duvet cover.  Then I had to figure out a way to put up curtain rods--which I did.
MWP had the curtains and duvet cover partially sewn before this camping trip and we took them along and hung them on strings just to see what they'd look like--the custom cut curtain rods hadn't arrived yet.
How many ways can you say FABULOUS?  What a difference!
Next comes the fabric for the seat cushions (MWP's job) and some flooring--probably carpet (my job).  After that we'll either find some interesting door handles or I'll paint the existing ones bright colours.
I'll post photos when the project is done :)

Today's Gratitude:

Improving health!!!  It DOES get better.

Monday 16 July 2012

It's been a long time again....


We've used the trailer several times since April.  After my operation we went out for a couple of days for a change of scene.
MWP went on a 10 day retreat to an unserviced provincial campground.  He really enjoyed that.  I enjoyed staying at home on my own.
Last week we went for 3 nights out to French Beach.  Another unserviced provincial campground.  It was really wonderful for me to get out camping again.  We had campfires and made smoors.  We walked on the beach.  Read in the sun.  Napped.  Relaxed.
By the way, we LOVE our little trailer!!!

Not quite as restless

The cancer diagnosis and treatment has changed me.  At first I was terribly anxious and then at some point my brain just shut off the anxiety.   It was like the universe said "You want something to worry about.  I'll give you something to worry about!"  After a while I became numb to the worry and stress.  Now I'm much more laid back.  Very much into 'don't sweat the small stuff.'
MWP and I have almost switched roles.  He's the go-getter now.  I'm laid back.  He's been arranging all our trailer trips this summer.  Making reservations, picking the sights.


MWP suggested we do something 'life changing.'  (Notice that it was not me!)  At first we thought we might go to Europe for 6 months, but that didn't work out because of visa problems.  So then MWP suggested we take the trailer into the US and travel around for 6 months.  Perfect!  I love that idea.  So we are busy planning that trip now.  It won't be for a while but it gives us time to get organized and make sure my cancer is well and truly gone before we head out.

Today's Gratitude:

Strangers who have become friends.  Other guys who have been through what I'm going through and who've formed a little support network with me.  I've gotten support and given support.  It's what's getting me through this....

Thursday 19 April 2012

Catching Up

It's been quite a while, and lots of things are happening.

A Diagnosis
I had a prostate biopsy done on January 17th, and on February 1st I got the bad news that I had prostate cancer.  Some further testing was done to see if it had spread and luckily it had not.  So on February 15th the doctor gave me the final word that I had contained but "significant moderate risk" PC.
Between February 1st and 15th I did a LOT of research as to what the best treatment option for me might be and decided to go with a radical prostatectomy (as opposed to radiation), which is what my doctor recommended.
As you can imagine after February 1st both MWP and I were stressing out like crazy.  MWP thought a couple of days "retreat" in the trailer would do him good so we de-winterized and he went out for 3 days to our favourite RV part not far from where we stow the trailer.  I was delighted to get back to the trailer and get it rolling again!  MWP found his retreat to be very beneficial.
Meanwhile, we had been talking about an April trip south with the trailer.  Probable destination Palm Springs with some stops to explore places like the Napa Valley on the way.  On February 15th, with the "final" diagnosis,  I was able to choose a date for surgery.  I'd been thinking about "no time like the present" to get away--especially with all the stress we'd been through in the last couple of months.
I chose May 11th for the surgery to give us plenty of time to go somewhere and be back in time for the required pre-op checkup.  So I suggested to MWP that we leave almost immediately to just get the hell away and give ourselves a break from worry and stress.  He said let's do it!
Trip Summary
We departed on February 20th and decided to head straight to Palm Springs, taking our time along the way.  I wasn't quite sure how the trailer towing would go since we hadn't done a big trip before.  Happily, everything went beautifully.  We spent 4 nights on the road and arrived in Palm Springs on the 24th.  Of  course it was gorgeous weather there and we immediately headed to the swimming pool at the RV resort.  Heavenly!  I had reserved 2 weeks at a really nice place almost right in downtown Palm Springs and when we got there they offered us a monthly rate of basically 4 weeks for the price of 3.  The thought of sitting still for a month and enjoying lovely sunshine convinced us that this was the best deal for us.  We decided to just stay there then when it came time to leave head pretty much straight home.
It was an enchanting month.  By mutual agreement we decided to take a break from the "C" word and just have a good, worry-free time.  We did 3 day trips:  Joshua Tree Park, Idyllwild and Hemet, and around the Salton Sea.  We forgot about our "diets" and treated ourselves to a few too many desserts.
I went to the pool every day and got a nice tan.  We set up a nice little patio area outside the trailer.  The month gave us time to settle into a nice relaxing routine.  We departed Palm Springs on March 25th knowing we'd had a lovely time but looking forward to getting home.
Then came rain!
Our route home took us through the Mojave Desert to Bakersfield and then up I-5 toward home.  Would you believe we encountered torrential rains in the Mojave Desert?  Heavy rain followed us all the way home.  We were held up for 2 days in Red Bluff, CA because there was snow on the I-5 up ahead in the mountains.  Sheesh!  We arrived home tired, but refreshed from what turned out to be a wonderful trip and "just the right thing" to do.
I've experienced a few mood swings since coming home.  Depression/anxiety/anger.  But with the help of a wonderfully supportive MPW and some friends I've been able to get it together and have come to the "acceptance" stage of this process.  Now I am looking forward to having the operation behind me in just over 3 weeks.

Today's Gratitude:
Wonderful and supportive people in my life!!!!

Friday 10 February 2012

Out of mothballs!

The trailer is coming out of mothballs on Monday.  MWP is taking it to an RV park for a few days to have a little "retreat."  I'm staying home to run some necessary errands and have a bit of quiet time of my own.

The weather is pretty mild, so it's a good time to de-winterize and get ready for some serious camping.

We've recently had to face some challenges, but every cloud has a silver lining, right?  So, I've quit my job and we may be heading south sooner than expected.  Yeah!  We should know our departure date by next week.  We think we'll just make a straight run for Palm Springs in order to get to good weather ASAP.  A little R & R in the sun will do us a world of good.

Today's gratitude

I am truly grateful for people who volunteer and support those in need.

Monday 23 January 2012

Planning, planning...

In a couple of days we're off to San Francisco for a quick trip.  It's to celebrate our 10th anniversary!  Looking forward to a little getaway.  We're flying.  Sadly, the trailer is still tucked away for the winter.

Luckily, I'm still working, because I'm still spending!  Ended up getting us Kobo readers to take with us on the road.  I love mine.  I doubt I'll ready many actual paper books again.  At the moment I'm on the 3rd book of the Millenium trilogy by Stieg Larsson (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series).

We are still planning a trip south in April.  I may or may not quit my job at the end of March.  Depends whether the boss wants me back after a 5 or maybe 6 week absence.  We've kicked around various camping ideas and I think we are pretty much going to stick to commercial, and maybe one or two state, campgrounds.  We're not comfortable with the idea of over-nighting in rest areas or truck service centres, and boondocking in the desert has no appeal for us.  Give us our swimming pool!  We plan to stay at the Happy Traveler RV Park in Palm Springs.  It's really close to town so we can walk into our favourite cafe every day for coffee.  We'll have to drive to Indio to get our Shield's date shakes though.  Wonder how many of those we'll have?  So far our plans are driving directly to PS via the interstates, staying there for 2 weeks or so, then heading home along the California coast.  We'll spend a few days in Mendocino.  One of our most favourite places.  We're determined not to have to rush home for any commitments but rather arrive home when we feel like it.

I did buy a couple more things for the trailer.   I got a real nice stainless steel tea pot.  Expensive, but unbreakable.  And a little stick-on gauge for the propane tank. Oh, and some coat hangers that I can secure to the closet bar to stop our clothes from ending up on a heap on the floor of the closet.

Todays' gratitude:

I'm really grateful to live in a country with such good health care.  I recently had a little procedure done at our local hospital and must say it was an altogether positive experience.  Right down to the warm blankets!

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Spending, spending.....

Some Boxing Day shopping for our little house on wheels.  Bought a set of Corelle plates/cups with a retro motive.  Also a duvet and some pillows so we don't have to keep dragging our bedding between home and the trailer.  Blew another $100, but there's really not much more to buy now.  Well, that's not quite true.  There's always something more to buy for a trailer!
We're still talking about a trip south in April.  With the mild weather we've had over the Christmas period I'm itching to get out camping again!

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Itching to do something!

The trailer has been on my mind lately.  I've been worrying about the battery.  It's just sitting in the trailer and with the cold weather I'm wondering if it's losing it's charge and what might happen if it does.  Well, the weekly Canadian Tire flyer just happened to have an inexpensive battery charger....
Off to Canadian Tire.  Purchase one battery charger.  I look for an inexpensive battery tester--one I saw on-line--the clerk doesn't know what I am talking about.
I find myself in a manic sort of money spending mood.  Oh oh!  Well, I've been working, so I have money!
I stop at my favourite camping store.  I pick up a portable propane heater (Mr. Heater, Little Buddy model) to use when we are dry camping.  I bring my purchases home.  I try out the heater.  It won't light!  Back to the store.  I find a clerk and we try to light it.  No luck.  The supervisor gets involved.  We try another heater.  Still won't light.  Must be a bad batch!  The supervisor says this has never happened before.  I get my money back.  I'm really wound up now.
I come home and research heaters.  The local hardware has one that might be suitable.  I drive over there.  I look, but think that model is just too big for our little trailer.  I jump back in the car and dash to Canadian Tire.  They have one Coleman Blackcat heater left.  I buy it along with a little canister of propane.  I bring it home.  I light it.  Voila!  It works beautifully and gets very warm.  It will take the chill out out of the trailer no problem.
I research the battery tester at Canadian Tire.  Yes they have one.  I note the part number and head over. Yes, the clerk says, it's in the isle with the marine supplies (who would have though?).
The next day we drive to the trailer to pick up the battery.  Ahhh, the trailer still has the "new" smell in spite of having been sitting idle for over a month.
We bring the battery home.  I test it.  75% left.  Not bad for sitting in the cold for a month.  I put the new little charger to work.  Four hours later the battery is fully charged.  Now it is sitting on our balcony on "maintenance" mode and will be ready at a moment's notice if we decide to go camping.
It's lovely weather right now.  Really quite spring-like.  Gets me in the mood for camping.  MPW says "it's up to you."  I must mull this over....